

You scored as Jürgen Moltmann,The problem of evil is central to your thought, and only a crucified God can show that God is not indifferent to human suffering. Christian discipleship means identifying with suffering but also anticipating the new creation of all things that God will bring about.

Which theologian are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

Interesting... =)


Nate Custer said...

I scored as Tillich, but Moltmann was second.

Ragamuffinag said...

Yeah, you would be a tillichian. I think that explains some of our interplay of ideas - your roots being 'philosophy' and mine being 'ministry.' Or maybe a better dichotomy would be nate as thinker and josh as feeler. of course there is continuing dialogue and we both are constantly be reshaped (process?).

Michael said...

I scored as Anselm,and Carl Barth was second.

Ragamuffinag said...

Cool! I like Anselm. I did a paper on him through Fuller.